Board Member Responsibilities


  1. Monitor and support all activities of the other PTO Officers.
  2. Preside at General PTO and Executive Board meetings.
  3. With input from any interested PTO member, set the agenda and publish it at least one week prior to the meeting. The agenda shall include time for new items of business to be considered.
  4. In the event of the absence of the Secretary, the President shall appoint an acting Secretary for that meeting. The acting Secretary shall take responsibility for both recording and transcribing the minutes for the meeting.
  5. Communicate with the PTO membership on a monthly basis, such as but not limited to, PTO newsletter, fliers, e-mails.
  6. Coordinate, with the Vice President, the establishment of committees in order that the PTO objectives and mission may be promoted.
  7. Attain Board approval to select and appoint the representatives for standing and special committees.


  1. Act as an assistant to the President and shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence.
  2. Work with the President to coordinate the listing of volunteers for each committee, and work with the committee chairs to make sure they understand their duties, PTO objectives, and the PTO mission.
  3. Work with the PTO President to organize all volunteers for the programs of the PTO and/or the needs of the school.
  4. Work with PTO President to organize Fundraising Committee efforts.


  1. Keep financial records current at all times.
  2. Formulate an annual budget based on expenditures from the previous school year.
  3. Become familiar with and submit paperwork pertaining to the PTO’s non-profit status.
  4. Collect all PTO money and deposit into the PTO bank account.
  5. Receive monthly statements and reconcile the account upon receipt.
  6. Provide multiple copies of a written financial report at each regularly scheduled PTO Board Meeting.
  7. Be prepared to provide a current record of commitments and account balance whenever requested by any PTO Officer.
  8. Pay out funds after payment is approved by any two PTO Officers, unless otherwise approved by budget.
  9. Avoid service charges on PTO accounts by making payments and deposits in a timely manner.
  10. Organize a means for evaluating proposals from those requesting funds from the PTO.
  11. Review all requests for funds to ascertain if there are alternate sources of funding.
  12. Make a year-end report of income and expenditures of the current school year.
  13. Present books to auditor or auditing committee upon request.
  14. Produce on a regular basis receipts for review by the PTO Executive Board.


  1. Record minutes at each of the monthly meetings.
  2. Document the minutes and coordinate reproduction of minutes, as well as insure publication within one week of the meeting.
  3. Keep all minutes of the current school year on file, along with any correspondence.
  4. Maintain all historical files.

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